Damien Velenoso

"This world is so flavorful and filled with all sorts of fun shit to get into! Almost makes you forget that you can die~..."

OOC Info and Rules for RP

  • I'm 25+, very happily married, and absolutely not interested in any IRL relationships beyond friendships. I expect my RP partners to be at least 21+ IC and OOC, and to respect my personal boundaries, and I will of course respect yours.

  • I am LGBTQIA+, and I do not tolerate any form of homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc., or the fetishization of gender identities, IC or OOC. No exceptions.

  • I am very serious about the separation between IC and OOC. I am not Damien, Damien is not me. Anything Damien thinks or does is not indicative of my own actions or feelings. Please don't blur that line!

  • COMMUNICATION IS KEY. I cannot stress this enough, please please please communicate with me. If something my character does bothers you, tell me. If a fight happens, or a scene is headed to ERP, or you just aren't sure about something, let's talk about it! My feelings won't be hurt, I'd rather discuss things and make sure we're on the same page.

  • Please no god-modding, metagaming, or trying to do anything to/changing anything about my character without my permission. Respect is a two way street!

  • Most if not all of my RP is done in-game, it's just better for immersion and focus for me. I'll do RP through discord for certain situations and I'll do my best to be flexible, but if RP happens over discord for any reason, please understand that replies might be a bit slower, but I will do my best to reply in a timely fashion!

  • I prefer to do one on one RP's as it's easier for me to keep track of things. I am alright with group RP's, but it's typically harder for me to reply if I'm having to keep track of several characters talking to mine at once, so I'll be much slower in those scenarios. Please plan these carefully with me!

  • I will warn you now, I am a multi-para writer, I can and often write a LOT in my replies, and I know that can be intimidating! I do prefer para/multi-para writers, but I absolutely do not expect you to match my writing entirely! As long as our styles vibe, all will be fine!

  • Muse here, thanks for reading this far! I know it's a lot, but I wanna make absolutely sure we're all on the same page and having fun! I appreciate you taking the time to read this carrd, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: museoffate28

  • Nicknames: Dami, Snakespit, Bitch

  • Age: Secret~♥

  • Nameday: 25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (5/25) (So he says)

  • Height/Weight: 5 fulms and 10 ilms / 137.8 ponze

  • Race: Voidsent; Incubus

  • Hair/Eyes/Skin: Curly white hair with golden highlights; four black bone-like horns with a red glow protrude from the head, two smaller above the forehead and two larger at the sides of the head that curl like a rams; glowing golden eyes with black scleras; striking red skin sporting a few facial beauty marks and tattoos along his back and lower abdomen, complete with fangs and a heart-shaped tail with a glowing rune near the end

  • Gender/Sexuality: Cis Male (He/Him) / Homosexual

  • Position: Power bottom, brat, rarely submissive

  • Occupation: Contracted singer, professional prostitute, self-proclaimed badass

  • Residence: You have to be special to get his address~♥

  • Personality Traits: Snarky, playful, flirtatious, sweet (only when it benefits him), troublemaker

  • Likes: Sex, strong aether, strong alcohol, spicy flavors, fashion, expensive things, parties, drugs

  • Dislikes: Being bored, ruining his clothes, bitter flavors, touching his tail (without permission), cold weather, deep water, the void

  • Aetheric Aspects: Darkness and Fire

  • Voice Claim: Bloody Power Fame - coldrain


Hailing from the Thirteenth Shard--or the Void, as most Eorzeans know it as--Damien lived for one thing: freedom. Holding faint memories of the Flood of Darkness, the incubus spent his life since then fleeing from powerful Voidsent that wished to consume him while consuming others to grow his own power, all to protect his freedom. He played the game well enough over time; his body and power were pledged to stronger Voidsent that were able to ensure his protection and ability to feed on weaker creatures, but the moment one master fell, he was gone searching for the next. Over and over this cycle repeated, preserving himself at the expense of those around him, until the day he found himself ripped from the Thirteenth and tumbling into the Source. Without warning, he found his soul dragged across the veil and deposited into a new vessel. The rest was a blank, he didn't know why he was summoned, nor did he know by whom. Trapped in a completely foreign world with no-one and nothing to guide him, Damien set out to carve a new life for himself, finally granted the freedom he so desperately sought; though he new that freedom was only so long as he survived. Hedonistic to a fault, Damien indulges in all of life's pleasures, be it sex, drink, drugs, or other pleasurable experiences, his true nature proudly on display. Currently, when he's not singing for whoever can afford to contract him, he's prowling the nightlife for his next 'meal'.

Plot Hooks and Ideas

  • Damien spends a lot of time frequenting bars and parties, indulging in drink, drugs, or offering his body for compensation. Given he doesn't hide his Voidsent nature, he's sure to stand out wherever he is. Perhaps he caught your eye... or maybe you caught his?

  • Despite refusing to hide what he is, he's still very much aware that there are those who would rather see him and his kind dead. Voidsent hunter looking for their next target anyone? You'll be in for a wild ride pursuing this devil.

  • A singer with a voice to rock you down to your very soul, Damien has his fair share of fans, and he's looking to grow that fanbase even more. Got a contract for him? He'll lend you his voice and more, for the right price.

Contacts and Relationships

  • Name: Joachim Chatelfort

  • Relationship: Mutual Agreement? Boyfriends?

  • About: Damien met this mysterious Viera late into his second night working at La Vipere. At first, he was simply flirting as he always does, looking for a quick meal and nothing more. But something about this vampire siren drew him in, and has a hold on him. He offered Joachim an agreement in typical voidsent fashion: Joachim feeds him aether, and he'll feed him his blood. That's all it is to Damien, just another contract, but perhaps there is something deeper to this attraction than meets the eye. Only time will tell if Damien accepts it or not.

  • Name: Marceloix "Marcel" Chatelfort

  • Relationship: Joachim's Father

  • About: Damien had the pleasure of meeting this flirtatious pirate captain at a beach gathering, along with Joachim's mother Jace. The man doesn't seem to like people easily, and yet Damien found no trouble in getting to know the vampirate. Behind the mask of a roguish flirt with a knack for illegal dealings lies a caring father who simply wants to see his son happy. Damien assured him that he was no threat to the safety of his son, and has been welcomed into the family as Joachim's boyfriend. Damien won't say it, but Marceloix can tell there's more to the relationship than meets the eye.